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The Ugly Side of Social Media for Business

“That caption wasn’t funny enough” “Your reels are too self indulgent” “Does anyone even care?” Shake hands with the nasty thought patterns that seem to trickle their way into my brain on occasion as a business owner. That pit in my belly after hitting the “post” button as I start to refresh my phone waiting for some love hearts to eventually overshadow my self doubt. Whilst I value social media for its creativity and connection, I also know its ability to feel isolating and comparative. It may sound contradictory to have these thoughts as someone who specialises in social media marketing as a business model, I think its nuances are worthy of exploration and discussion.

For someone who is trying to navigate the complexities of social media for business, how do you handle the uglier sides of the platform? 

I’ve had an interesting relationship with social media over the years. With time, I realised how much I was leaning on story reactions, likes and comments to make myself feel good. When my toilet seat had comically broken one morning before work, my first reaction was to grab my phone to take a photo for my story (‘Mondays, amirite?’), I caught myself in the moment and shook my head -  something needed to change. That dependency, the inability to be present, was not sitting right with me. I desired boundaries that enabled me to live life more authentically and not get sucked into the trap.

And it’s pretty easy to do. Studies have shown that brain activity changes when you receive likes and engagement. An fMRI study was conducted to analyse the effects of ‘likes’ in adolescents brain activity in 2016. fMRI is a type of imaging that can pinpoint the changes in blood flow in different parts of the brain and can indicate the location of brain activity. The participants in this fMRI scan exhibited greater brain activity when they were shown photos with more likes. When their own photos received likes, the brain’s reward center was also activated. There have even been numerous studies that identify the affects social media can have on self esteem, body image and desire for plastic surgery, particularly with young men and women. 

Photo cred: London Meets Paris

While I had had stints of de-activating accounts after break-ups and periods of self care, in May 2021 I made the call to deactivate my Instagram for the long haul. I went 1.5 years without my personal Instagram, using my food hobby Instagram account whenever necessary for work. It may not seem like a lot for someone who doesn’t rely on the platform, but the break was very much needed. I enjoyed not having the instinct to pull my phone out of my purse whenever the food arrived at the table, and I found catch ups with pals more interesting having not known what they’d been up to, let alone what they had for breakfast the day prior. 

To be completely frank with you, I was nervous to need Instagram again when I started my business. I had a feeling I would slip back into old habits and rely on it too much. Heck, I even considered NOT starting an Instagram for my business. However, due to the nature of what I do and offer, I knew it was an important element for my strategy and I set out to do things a bit differently this time.

I like to keep my grid a mix of me and a mix of marketing how-tos!

I began my social media journey with strict boundaries, but I’ve definitely found that with time these started to dwindle. While I’m definitely not perfect and my relationship with the platform has changed due to other reasons such as getting a bit older and having a stronger sense of self, I have found a few tips helpful that I thought I would share if this is something that lands for you. 

1) Hide the Likes Count 

This may be a controversial thing to say as someone who has customers pay me to handle their social media for them, but to me, curating content and elevating a visual is way more important than getting caught up in a number of likes. That post may not go viral overnight, and that’s okay. I’m a firm believer that if your content speaks to your brand and you can feel good about what you put out there, then people will pick up on this. If you’re posting authentic content that reflects YOU and your business that’s about all you can ask for. 

You can find this in the Advanced Settings section when you are posting your content

2)  Manage Time Spent 

Being more present was an important boundary for me, so I try to take my quick videos for reels if I’m shooting lifestyle content, then put my phone away afterwards. Did you also know that you can set alerts to notify you when you’ve spent certain periods of time on the platform? If you want to do this, go to your Instagram settings, search “time spent” and choose the limit that suits your lifestyle. I will say, this number tends to fluctuate, especially if I’m feeling sad or hungover, I notice the scroll count goes up which is interesting because I know that it only makes those feelings worse!

Choose your own adventure!

3) Be Vulnerable 

Social media has become the highlight reels of our lives, showing the best outfits, holidays, the ‘day for its’, and the ‘wish you were here’s’. Of course there is nothing wrong with celebrating the good times or the photos where you think “damn I look cute here!”, but I also encourage you to share the hardships too. It’s so refreshing to see unfiltered photos and hear stories from people’s real lives. Why not talk about how you overcame some obstacles in your business journey or share some of the things you wish you knew when you were starting out and why? I am so happy we are starting to see this shift and I would absolutely love to see more of it. 

4) Minimise Time on the Explore Feed 

The explore feed is such a time warp for me. I do my best to be mindful of this and exit the app when I feel like I’ve just been sucked into a 10 minute scroll of baked feta recipes and hair tutorials. I do value the connection side of the platform so I feel like my usual program is to watch my first few stories, scroll down the feed for a bit and maybe have a quick look at the explore feed then bounce the f*ck out of there! 

I FEEL NAKED. Has the explore feed become the new Google Search history?

5) Mute or Unfollow People that Don’t Uphold Your Values 

You know the saying, you are the company you keep? This isn’t any different to your social media circle. You are what you consume, so don’t surround yourself by people that make you doubt your worthiness or question your success. On the opposing side, if you find accounts that make you feel good or motivate you with feel good stories and mantras - get notifications for their posts! I have noticed that seeing Instagram models wearing bikinis is a bit triggering for my self esteem, so I don’t follow any influencers other than those that inspire my business.

6) Post Later On 

One thing I’ve been trying to do recently is post stories days AFTER the moment has passed, sometimes even in bulk. I find this is helpful because it keeps me present in the moment when it’s actually going on, particularly if I’ve already taken a photo or video clip for a reel. If I then have to take the time to pick a font, location sticker and tag a business it takes me even further out of that moment.

7) Notifications Off

When I set my account up, I chose to turn off notifications on my lock screen for likes and DMs so that I would get less caught up in the numbers and validation as they rolled through. This enables me to check my Instagram in my own time rather than distract me from a moment I’m trying to be more present in.

My recent trip to Bali, airplane mode ON!

8) Shake It Off (Literally) Before Hitting Post 

Nervous to launch that new product or put that particular piece of content out there because your self doubt is getting too loud? My lovely coach Chloe Adriana once suggested to me to shake it off - literally, before making a post that feels a bit out of your comfort zone. Yeah, I’m for real. Literally play a song that pumps you up, jump out of your chair and shake your hands, arms, head and legs to release any tension or anxiety build up. Take a breath and hit that post button, you got this!

Whether you’ve got tough skin or feel vulnerable in the digital battlefield, just know that everyone does their business in their own unique way! The fact that you are putting yourself out there and taking a chance is absolutely worth celebrating. We’re all human, so don’t beat yourself up if you find your ego and comparison levels ebb and flow throughout this journey. Make content that feels good and nurturing to YOU and your business, and find your own version of balance between real life and screen life. And just know that we’re all rooting for you. I know I am! 

xx Megs

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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

If SEO is an abbreviation that makes your brain want to explode, I just want you to know that I’m here for you. S stands for search, E for engine and O for optimisation. Search engine optimisation is essentially a marketing strategy used to ensure that your website shows up as high as possible when people are searching for your products or services. This is achieved through a whole variety of techniques, including the way you structure the images on your site, your site load speed, and most importantly making sure your site hosts the specific words that your customer would be typing into their web searches to find you. While this is typically something that we speak about in relation to search engines such as Google and Bing, Instagram over the last few years has been operating as a search engine of its own kind. Oh yes, it’s true. And of course you want your brand to be showing up there too. After doing some research, I’ve rounded up 5 of the best Instagram SEO tips to help grow your following.

Ever noticed how when you type in something at the top of the Instagram search bar, it doesn’t just come up with suggested accounts or hashtags relating to those terms anymore? No, you’re getting actual PHRASES (ie keywords) for the content you put in there. 

A screenshot of Instagram SEO functionality when you type search queries into the search bar
Instagram is showing us more than just accounts and hashtags these days

Search results will bring up posts about personal trainers even if they have not been hash tagged, meaning we’re seeing a change to the ever mysterious Instagram algorithm yet again. However, this is good news because it means that there is more opportunity to reach new eyeballs even if you forgot to hashtag #dayforit in your Saturday afternoon winery post. 

Apparently Instagram considers “a number of factors” when returning search results. This includes the type of content, captions, when it was posted, and more. The spokesperson confirms Instagram uses machine learning to “find the highest quality content that’s relevant to you.”

So, how can you actually apply this to your business? Well, LUCKILY I love ya a lot and I’m happy to share some of my hottest tips for boosting your Instagram SEO so you can start seeing some increased exposure on your posts. 

1) Keyword Research

First things first, let’s consider your audience. Who is your customer and what are they looking for when they are searching for your products? For example, if you are a personal trainer your audience might be typing into Instagram, Pinterest, or Google “fitness tips” “how to get strong” “what to eat in a day to gain muscle”- something like that. Hot tip, pretend you were your target audience and literally start typing out some of these ideas that come up in these search engines as this might give you some helpful insights and keywords you haven’t thought about. 

A screenshot of what comes up when you type in marketing tips into Google search results
These search engines can help inspire your content strategy!

2) Keyword Integration in Captions

Now that you have all of that data? Great. Let’s start integrating this into your content strategy, and most importantly in your captions. If healthy recipes were a leading search query, structure your content around this and be sure that every week you include a food-based recipe reel. Lead your caption with these specific search queries and delight your customer with a helpful video tutorial or graphic tile that helps sum up some of the wisdom they’ve come to you to find out! 

3) Update Your Instagram Name

A quick fix yet a great opportunity to increase your visibility - make it clear to your customer what you offer. Not just your name, add your services in there too! If possible, update your handle too. For example, if you're a travel Instagram account, why not make it @megstravelstheworld or @travelwithmeg.

You’ll notice in my profile for example, I don’t have Meg McCarthy, but rather my business name and the services I offer. As much as my ego would like to believe otherwise, I don’t think many people would be out there actively searching for my full name. They would however, be searching for things like ‘Digital Marketing Agency’ so this gives me a better chance of showing up. 

A screenshot of Meg from South West Social Club's Instagram page, it shows how she has "digital marketing agency" in her name plate on Instagram rather than her full name. This is for Instagram SEO purposes!
Still pretty pissed off someone out there has the handle without the dot

4) Add Your Keywords to Your Bio 

Your bio shouldn’t be a short little one liner. This is a great place to put in the common keywords that were coming up for you when you did your research in step one. For example, your destination for ‘Your fitness tips destination’ or ‘Weekly exercises to help you gain muscle’. Get the idea? 

5) Include Keyword-Rich Alt Text 

“Alt text” is descriptive text that describes what your photo or video is about for visually impaired users. Screen readers read aloud text descriptions in this section, so it's important that you make this experience as positive as possible to ensure Instagram is an accessible platform for everyone. Without “keyword stuffing” (a bad practice of just trying to pop your keywords in as many times as possible that things stop making sense), if you can include keywords in these descriptions this can also assist in increasing your reach. 

A screenshot of alt text for Instagram SEO purposes. The owner of South West Social Club Meg shows us how she structures hers.
How you can include keywords into alt text without it sounding too unnatural

I hope the world of SEO is a little less scary right now, and if you ever need someone to manage your strategy ongoing because you can’t be bothered with it… reach out to me! I love it and I’d also LOVE to help you. 

xx Megs

If SEO is an abbreviation that makes your brain want to explode, I just want you to know that I’m here for you. S stands for search, E for engine and O for optimisation. Search engine optimisation is essentially a marketing strategy used to ensure that your website shows up as high as possible when people are searching for your products or services. This is achieved through a whole variety of techniques, including the way you structure the images on your site, your site load speed, and most importantly making sure your site hosts the specific words that your customer would be typing into their web searches to find you. While this is typically something that we speak about in relation to search engines such as Google and Bing, Instagram over the last few years has been operating as a search engine of its own kind. Oh yes, it’s true. And of course you want your brand to be showing up there too. After doing some research, I’ve rounded up 5 of the best Instagram SEO tips to help grow your following.

Ever noticed how when you type in something at the top of the Instagram search bar, it doesn’t just come up with suggested accounts or hashtags relating to those terms anymore? No, you’re getting actual PHRASES (ie keywords) for the content you put in there. 

A screenshot of Instagram SEO functionality when you type search queries into the search bar
Instagram is showing us more than just accounts and hashtags these days

Search results will bring up posts about personal trainers even if they have not been hash tagged, meaning we’re seeing a change to the ever mysterious Instagram algorithm yet again. However, this is good news because it means that there is more opportunity to reach new eyeballs even if you forgot to hashtag #dayforit in your Saturday afternoon winery post. 

Apparently Instagram considers “a number of factors” when returning search results. This includes the type of content, captions, when it was posted, and more. The spokesperson confirms Instagram uses machine learning to “find the highest quality content that’s relevant to you.”

So, how can you actually apply this to your business? Well, LUCKILY I love ya a lot and I’m happy to share some of my hottest tips for boosting your Instagram SEO so you can start seeing some increased exposure on your posts. 

1) Keyword Research

First things first, let’s consider your audience. Who is your customer and what are they looking for when they are searching for your products? For example, if you are a personal trainer your audience might be typing into Instagram, Pinterest, or Google “fitness tips” “how to get strong” “what to eat in a day to gain muscle”- something like that. Hot tip, pretend you were your target audience and literally start typing out some of these ideas that come up in these search engines as this might give you some helpful insights and keywords you haven’t thought about. 

A screenshot of what comes up when you type in marketing tips into Google search results
These search engines can help inspire your content strategy!

2) Keyword Integration in Captions

Now that you have all of that data? Great. Let’s start integrating this into your content strategy, and most importantly in your captions. If healthy recipes were a leading search query, structure your content around this and be sure that every week you include a food-based recipe reel. Lead your caption with these specific search queries and delight your customer with a helpful video tutorial or graphic tile that helps sum up some of the wisdom they’ve come to you to find out! 

3) Update Your Instagram Name

A quick fix yet a great opportunity to increase your visibility - make it clear to your customer what you offer. Not just your name, add your services in there too! If possible, update your handle too. For example, if you're a travel Instagram account, why not make it @megstravelstheworld or @travelwithmeg.

You’ll notice in my profile for example, I don’t have Meg McCarthy, but rather my business name and the services I offer. As much as my ego would like to believe otherwise, I don’t think many people would be out there actively searching for my full name. They would however, be searching for things like ‘Digital Marketing Agency’ so this gives me a better chance of showing up. 

A screenshot of Meg from South West Social Club's Instagram page, it shows how she has "digital marketing agency" in her name plate on Instagram rather than her full name. This is for Instagram SEO purposes!
Still pretty pissed off someone out there has the handle without the dot

4) Add Your Keywords to Your Bio 

Your bio shouldn’t be a short little one liner. This is a great place to put in the common keywords that were coming up for you when you did your research in step one. For example, your destination for ‘Your fitness tips destination’ or ‘Weekly exercises to help you gain muscle’. Get the idea? 

5) Include Keyword-Rich Alt Text 

“Alt text” is descriptive text that describes what your photo or video is about for visually impaired users. Screen readers read aloud text descriptions in this section, so it's important that you make this experience as positive as possible to ensure Instagram is an accessible platform for everyone. Without “keyword stuffing” (a bad practice of just trying to pop your keywords in as many times as possible that things stop making sense), if you can include keywords in these descriptions this can also assist in increasing your reach. 

A screenshot of alt text for Instagram SEO purposes. The owner of South West Social Club Meg shows us how she structures hers.
How you can include keywords into alt text without it sounding too unnatural

I hope the world of SEO is a little less scary right now, and if you ever need someone to manage your strategy ongoing because you can’t be bothered with it… reach out to me! I love it and I’d also LOVE to help you. 

xx Megs